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What is plant phenotyping? 

Plant phenotyping plays a pivotal role in plant research, encompassing the measurement and analysis of various plant traits, including growth rate, leaf size, and color.

This practice enables researchers to gain insights into the influence of genetic and environmental factors on plant development and productivity. By enhancing crop yields and cultivating more resilient crop varieties, this knowledge holds significant potential for the agricultural sector.

Phenotyping methods encompass both manual techniques and automated imaging and sensor systems.

Phenotyping at KeyGene
Phenotyping at KeyGene

For whom?

Plant breeders and geneticists: identify desirable traits and characteristics in plants, such as disease resistance or high yield, that can be used to develop crop varieties.

Plant scientists and researchers: understand how plants respond to different environmental conditions, such as drought or high temperatures, and how plants interact with other organisms.

Crop protection product developers: evaluate the efficacy of crop protection products on different plant species and varieties by measuring changes in plant growth, development and physiology.

Bio stimulants product developers: evaluate and improve bio stimulant effectiveness by measuring changes in plant growth and physiology.

Enjoy Handsfree Plant Research

Data-driven: Data-driven approaches, using automated phenotyping systems, improve plant research by collecting non-destructive and consistent data throughout a plant's growth. These methods increase efficiency and reduce variability, providing more accurate and reliable information.

Scalable: Scalability is a crucial aspect of plant research, and automated phenotyping systems provide a scalable solution. These systems are high-throughput and can handle large numbers of plants while collecting data of plant characteristics.

Objective: Automated systems eliminate bias and subjectivity in data collection, improving the accuracy and reliability of data for plant research.

Automate Your Research Today

If you're interested in automating your plant research, we're here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our team of experts. We'll help you take the first step towards Handsfree Plant Research and achieving your goals.

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